Daring to Leap

Daring to Leap TV1

Latest Episodes

Step into Your Brilliance

Episode 50 – Daring To Be You: How To Find The Courage To Live Authentically And Follow Your Most Purposeful Path - Shereen Thor
Episode 49 – Transformational Self-Care: A Former Tech Leader’s Practical Steps To Prevent And Recover From Burnout - Hannah Tackett
Episode 48 – Resume Secrets & Standing Out In Today's Job Market - Steph Cartwright
Episode 47 – How to Harness the Power of Intuition To Navigate Challenges & Live on Purpose - Aline Hanle
Episode 46 – One Thought Away Changing Everything - Kerry Tepindino
Episode 45 – Preventing Collective Burnout: How to Integrate Well-Being into Leadership and Workplace Culture - Danielle Smeltzer
Episode 44 – Growth Mindset Mastery: How to Cultivate A Powerful Mindset For Limitless Potential - Bridget Hom
Episode 43 – Career Pivot Playbook: Your Guide To A Successful & Fulfilling Career Change - Shannon Russell
Episode 42 – Balanced and Bold: How to Work Less, Live More, and Be Your Best - Stacey Olson
Episode 41 – Are These 3 Career Saboteurs Holding You Back from Your Potential? - Rosie Zilinskas
Episode 40 – The Key Aspects of Personal Image You Need to Know to Boost Your Confidence & Career - Linda Yates
Episode 39 – Closing the Gender Pay Gap: Learn Expert Salary Negotiation Tips to Confidently Boost Your Earnings - Featuring Dorothy Mashburn
Episode 38 – Find Your Inner Compass: How to Embrace Your Core Values for Clear Purpose and Direction - Featuring Andrea Johnson
Episode 37 – Everyday Magic: Learn How to Find Happiness Right Where You Are - Featuring Lynne Golodner
Episode 36 – How to Uncover Your Dreams & Become the Person Who Can Achieve Them - Featuring January Donovan
Episode 35 – Learn 5 Myths Preventing Your Career Success: How to Overcome Them and Thrive - Featuring Tammy Alvarez
Episode 34 – Slow Style Home: How to Boost Creativity and Confidence by Making Your Space Truly Yours - Featuring Zandra Zuraw
Episode 33 – Pivoting from Harvard to Heart: Dr. Anne Welsh on Redefining Success - Featuring Anne Welsh
Episode 32 – Leading With Heart: Learn Compassionate Leadership Techniques That Deliver Real Results & Inspires Loyalty - Featuring Carmen Paredes
Episode 31 – Overwhelm Unplugged: How to Hack Your Brain for More Success & Less Stress - Featuring Dominika Staniewicz
Episode 30 – How to get Your Voice Back - Featuring Sha Sparks
Episode 29 – How to bring more JOY into your career and life - Featuring Reina Bach
Episode 28 – Unstoppable Journey: Victoria Peltier's Path to Leadership
Episode 27 – Why Success Often Doesn't Feel as Good as it Looks and How to Shift That! - Featuring Michelle Pollack
Episode 26 – How to Move from Professional Serendipity to Intentional Advancement - Featuring Cynthia Bentzen-Mercer, Phd
Episode 25 – How to Uncover Your Authentic Self - Featuring Charlie Garnham
Episode 24 – Leadership Lessons from a female CEO - Featuring Jennifer McCollum
Episode 23 – Prioritizing You and Loving You will Upgrade Your Life - Featuring Kelsey Aida
Episode 22 – Work-Life Integration in Modern World - Featuring Katrina Purcell
Episode 21 – Style Your Way to the Top: Nicole Russo's Masterclass on Personal Branding - Featuring Nicole Russo
Episode 20 – Your Inner Critic is Fake News! How to Build An Inner Champion for Limitless Success - Featuring Whitney Alexandra
Episode 19 – Lost Your Work Mojo? How to Rekindle Your Excitement For Your Career & The Power of Embracing Discomfort - Featuring Randi Roberts
Episode 18 – How to Grow Through The Grit, Turn Setbacks into Power Moves, and Craft a Personal Brand That Stands Out - Featuring Jasmine Hawthorne
Episode 17 – How to Navigate The Emotional Rollercoaster of Career Change & Let Go of Your Old Self So That You Can Grow - Featuring Sabine Gedeon
Episode 16 – Breaking Barriers: From Secretary to CMO & The Proven Laws for Success In a Workplace Not Designed For You - Featuring Eugina Jordan
Episode 15 – Soar in 2024: Avoid These Common New Year’s Resolution Traps & How You Can Set Your Goals Up for Success - Featuring Laura Livingston
Episode 14 – Speak With Confidence: How to Overcome Speaking Fears, Craft An Engaging Message, and Master Your Delivery - Featuring Dayna Kneeland
Episode 13 – Reclaim Your Career: Why It’s Time To Bet On Yourself And Leap Towards A More Fulfilling Path - Featuring Jessica Galica
Episode 12 – In The Zone: How to Shift From Distraction to Flow State to Boost Your Focus, Productivity, & Creativity - Featuring Nkem Chukwumerije
Episode 11 – Reframing Failure: How to See Setbacks As Stepping Stones to Success & Let Go of Perfectionism So That You Can Soar - Featuring Amy Singleton
Episode 10 – Career Transitions: Why People Pivot & What You Need To Know (and Ask Yourself) BEFORE You Leap - Featuring Laura Terrell
Episode 9 – Embracing Ambition: How to Overcome Challenges, Feel Supported, & Keep Your Spark Alive - Featuring Kaliela Osha
Episode 8 – How to Recognize and Address Burnout Symptoms & Self-Advocate for Your Well-Being - Featuring Neelu Kaur
Episode 7 – How to Find Your "Why" and Have a Career with More Meaning, Purpose, & Authenticity - Featuring Jannette Anderson
Episode 6 – Letting Go of Limitations: 5 Surprising Career Rules You Should Break - Featuring Erin Keating
Episode 5 – Crown Yourself: Taking Control of Your Personal & Professional Path to Success - Featuring Kimberly Spencer
Episode 4 – Closing the Gap: How to Accelerate Women's Path to Top Leadership Roles - Featuring Kristina Cleary
Episode 3 – Career Advancement Strategies: How to Breakthrough to the Next Level in your Career - Featuring Jaime Chambron
Episode 2 –Intuition as a Guide: Shifting Careers, Embracing Change, and Thriving Beyond Burnout - Featuring Donna Star
Episode 1 – Courage to Shine: How This Google Exec is Trailblazing What an Authentic & Vibrant Female Leader Can Be - Featuring Nadia Carta
Episode 3 – Career Advancement Strategies: How to Breakthrough to the Next Level in your Career - Featuring Jaime Chambron
Episode 2 –Intuition as a Guide: Shifting Careers, Embracing Change, and Thriving Beyond Burnout - Featuring Donna Star
Watch our favs

Favorites Episodes

Episode 8 – How to Recognize and Address Burnout Symptoms & Self-Advocate for Your Well-Being - Featuring Neelu Kaur
Episode 6 – Letting Go of Limitations: 5 Surprising Career Rules You Should Break - Featuring Erin Keating
Episode 4 – Closing the Gap: How to Accelerate Women's Path to Top Leadership Roles - Featuring Kristina Cleary
Intuition as a Guide: Shifting Careers, Embracing Change, and Thriving Beyond Burnout - Featuring Donna Star
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