Daring to Leap

What Hummingbirds Teach Us About Our Brilliance

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I’ve got a favorite walking route around my neighborhood. Every day I lace up my shoes and take off on the 3-mile trek and each time, I know I’ll see at least one hummingbird.

The more I see them, the more fascinated I become.

Like every experience in life, nature gives us unique learning opportunities and I couldn’t help but wonder what hummingbirds have to teach us.

Uniqueness Of Hummingbirds

There are thousands of species of birds on this planet, but none of them are quite like the hummingbird.

Though they are the smallest of all species, they can fly between 35-60 miles per hour. They’re able to make quick directional changes and fly forward, backward, and even hover.

And the most distinguishing feature of these beautiful birds is their seemingly invisible wings, which flap 50 times per second.

Can you imagine if a hummingbird tried to be like all the others? 

What if they tried slowing their flapping wings to a slow, graceful glide? They’d likely fall to their death.

They embrace their natural individuality and by leaning in, can do things no other bird can.

Channeling Your Inner Hummingbird

In the workplace, sometimes we tend to conform, fit into the culture, and fall into the routine of groupthink.

While trying to fit into the workplace culture is certainly not a bad thing, sacrificing your identity to do so will not serve you or your colleagues.

If you take this approach, you’ll become one in a flock of many, trying to be something you just aren’t.


Just like the hummingbird, we are adorned with unique gifts and strengths that make us unlike anyone else.

By tapping into your individual talents and bringing them into your work, you, your employer, and your team will benefit.

Diversity of thought, experience, talent, and perspective are vital ingredients to effective problem-solving and creativity within a team.

When you have the confidence to bring forward a different perspective, everyone wins!


What do you think your strengths are? Like the violent flaps of their tiny wings, what can you do that looks and feels effortless? What is something you excel at that seems difficult for others? What are you passionate about?

When you string them all together and focus your efforts there, your brilliance will start to shine through.

Do you need help identifying your strengths? Pay attention to your work and identify tasks that are going well. Is there anything you’re holding back on? 

Or perhaps ask a trusted colleague. Getting validation from a close source is often all we need to embrace our strengths and make the most of them.

Let Your Brilliance Shine

Do not be ashamed of the ways you are different.

Identify and lean into your strengths and move forward with confidence and grace, just like the hummingbird.

Be willing to share your uniqueness and embrace your individuality.

I promise it’ll be easier being your true brilliant self than trying to be like everyone else.

Listen to the full podcast episode here to learn more about tapping into your unique brilliance to position yourself for a prosperous future that’s true to you.

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