Daring to Leap

Episode 43 – Career Pivot Playbook: Your Guide To A Successful & Fulfilling Career Change - Shannon Russell

Discover how Shannon Russell, a former TV producer, transformed her career and now empowers women to pivot towards fulfilling second act careers. Learn her strategies for overcoming societal pressures and practical steps for starting anew.

In the latest episode of “Daring to Leap,” host Loree Philip sits down with Shannon Russell, a career transition coach and the host of the Second Act Success career podcast. Shannon’s journey from a successful TV producer to a career coach and entrepreneur offers invaluable insights for anyone contemplating a career change. Here’s a deep dive into her story, the challenges she faced, and the advice she has for those looking to embark on their own second act.

Shannon Russell’s Career Pivot

Shannon Russell always dreamed of working in Hollywood. After spending 16 years as a television producer in New York City and Los Angeles, she realized her priorities had shifted, especially after becoming a mother. Shannon recounts the moment of clarity she had during her maternity leave with her second son. The long commutes and late hours were taking a toll on her family life, prompting her to pivot towards a career that offered more flexibility and fulfillment.

Dealing with Societal Pressure

One of the significant challenges Shannon faced was dealing with societal expectations and the pressure from friends and family. She loved her job, making it even harder to step away. Shannon shares how she reframed her thinking to see her career transition not as abandoning her past success but as embarking on a new adventure. By recognizing that her skills and experiences were transferable, she found the confidence to move forward despite the doubts and concerns of those around her.

Overcoming Doubts and Fears

Transitioning to a new career is never without its fears. Shannon candidly discusses the moments of doubt she experienced, especially during the early days of running her Snapology franchise while caring for her young children. Her strategy? Leaning on the support from the franchise’s corporate team and pushing through the fear. Sending that first business email, despite feeling unprepared, led to immediate inquiries and partnerships, reinforcing her decision.

Supporting Others in Their Career Transition

Shannon now helps other women navigate their career transitions. She emphasizes the importance of understanding one’s non-negotiables and priorities. Whether it’s needing to be home by a certain time or avoiding tasks that no longer bring joy, identifying these factors is crucial. Shannon advises her clients to create lists of what they do and don’t want in their next role and to research potential opportunities that align with these criteria.

Practical Steps to Start a New Career or Business

Find Your Why: Understand the core reasons driving your desire for change.
Make Lists: Write down your non-negotiables, the skills you want to use, and the tasks you wish to avoid.
Do Your Research: Investigate potential careers or business opportunities that fit your criteria. Reach out for informational interviews to learn about day-to-day realities in those roles.
Network: Engage with people in your desired field through LinkedIn, Facebook groups, or local networking events.
Test the Waters: Consider taking relevant courses or certifications while still in your current job to see if the new path excites you.

If you feel consistently unhappy, unfulfilled, or find yourself dreading work, it may be time to consider a change. Reflect on your long-term career goals and personal priorities.
Many skills are more transferable than you might think. Focus on your core competencies like communication, project management, and problem-solving. These can be valuable in various fields.
Fear is natural, but it can be mitigated through preparation. Do thorough research, seek support from mentors or career coaches, and take gradual steps towards your new career.
Financial planning is crucial. Create a budget, save an emergency fund, and consider starting your transition while still employed to minimize financial risk.
It’s essential to prioritize your own happiness and well-being over others’ expectations. Communicate your reasons for the change to loved ones and seek support from those who understand your vision.

Feeling inspired to start your own second act? Visit <a href="https://secondactsuccess.co/">Second Act Success</a> for resources, coaching, and more inspiring stories to help you on your journey.

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