Daring to Leap

Prioritizing for a Balanced and Bold Career

Learn how prioritizing tasks and setting boundaries can revolutionize your work life. Stacey Olson shares her strategies for achieving balance and boldness.

In the “Ready to Shine Summit” hosted by Lori Phillip, leadership and positive psychology coach Stacey Olson shared her journey of transforming a demanding corporate career into a balanced and fulfilling life. With over 15 years of experience and as the founder of the Balance Leader program, Stacey offers valuable insights on achieving work-life balance through her book, “Your Balanced and Bold Life: Work Less, Live More, and Be Your Best.”

Stacey’s career was once characterized by long hours and high stress. She worked 60 to 80 hours a week, often at the expense of her family and personal well-being. However, a pivotal moment led her to reevaluate her approach, prioritize her time, and set boundaries that ultimately enhanced her performance and quality of life.

The Importance of Prioritizing Tasks

Stacey’s transformation began with the realization that not all tasks are created equal. By identifying high-value tasks and focusing her energy on them, she was able to achieve more with less effort. This shift not only improved her work performance but also freed up time for her personal life.

“When you prioritize effectively, you move the needle more on important projects,” Stacey explained. “It’s about getting clear on where you add the highest value.”

Learning to Say No

A critical aspect of Stacey’s strategy was learning to say no. Initially, it was challenging, but it became a powerful tool for maintaining focus and avoiding burnout. By saying no to non-essential tasks, she could dedicate her time to what truly mattered.

“We’re always making choices,” Stacey said. “When you say yes to one thing, you might be saying no to something more important. Recognizing this trade-off is crucial.”

Creating Personal Time

Stacey emphasized the need to carve out personal time. She found that setting aside time for herself each day was essential for maintaining balance and productivity. This practice allowed her to recharge and approach her work with renewed energy.

“Personal time is not a luxury; it’s a necessity,” Stacey stated. “It helps you stay focused and productive.”

High-value tasks are those that align with your goals and have a significant impact on your success. Focus on activities that leverage your strengths and advance your objectives.
Be clear and assertive. Explain your reasons, and offer alternatives if possible. Remember, saying no allows you to maintain focus on your priorities.
Schedule it in your calendar just like any other important meeting. Communicate your personal time boundaries to your colleagues and family.
Boundaries help prevent burnout, improve productivity, and allow for better work-life integration. They enable you to focus on high-value tasks and maintain personal well-being.
Prioritize tasks, set clear boundaries, and make time for yourself. Use tools like time blocking to ensure you allocate time for both work and personal activities.

Are you ready to transform your work life by prioritizing and setting boundaries? Learn more from Stacey Olson's insights and strategies. Visit staceyolson.ca to pre-order her book today and start your journey towards a balanced and bold career!

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