Daring to Leap

Episode 42 – Balanced and Bold: How to Work Less, Live More, and Be Your Best - Stacey Olson

Discover how setting boundaries and prioritizing personal time can transform your work life and lead to greater success. Stacey Olson shares her journey from corporate burnout to a balanced and bold life.

In a recent episode of the “Ready to Shine Summit,” host Lori Phillip welcomed leadership and positive psychology coach Stacey Olson. With over 15 years of corporate and business experience, Stacey is the founder of the Balance Leader program and the author of the upcoming book, “Your Balanced and Bold Life: Work Less, Live More, and Be Your Best.”

Stacey’s story is one of transformation and inspiration. She transitioned from a demanding corporate career, where she was working 60 to 80 hours a week, to a balanced life filled with purpose and fulfillment. Her journey began with a crucial decision to set hard boundaries in her work life, allowing her to focus on what truly mattered.

Setting Boundaries for Success

One of the key takeaways from Stacey’s experience is the importance of setting boundaries. In her words, boundaries are not just about limiting work hours but about prioritizing tasks that matter most. By doing so, Stacey was able to perform better, work fewer hours, and spend more quality time with her family.

“When we don’t have boundaries, we take on a lot of things that aren’t the best use of our time,” Stacey explained. “Setting boundaries forces you to get clear on what’s important and let go of what’s not.”

The Power of Saying No

Stacey emphasized the significance of saying no to non-essential requests. She shared that initially, it felt uncomfortable to say no, but it quickly became empowering. By focusing her efforts on high-value tasks, she not only excelled in her career but also enjoyed her work more.

“It’s okay to say no. It is strategic and empowering,” Stacey said. “When you’re clear on your priorities, it’s easier to make those choices.”

Making Personal Time a Priority

Stacey also highlighted the need to carve out personal time. She believes that personal well-being is crucial for professional success. By allocating time for herself, she found that she could be more focused and productive in her work.

“We need space and time to think and to focus,” she said. “Putting that time block in your day for your own work is not selfish; it’s necessary.”

Boundaries help prioritize high-value tasks and prevent burnout, leading to better performance and personal satisfaction.
Begin by identifying what truly matters to you and create a schedule that allocates time for these priorities. Communicate your boundaries clearly with your team.
Remember that saying no allows you to focus on what’s truly important. Over time, it becomes easier as you see the positive impact on your productivity and well-being.
Consistently enforce your boundaries and communicate their importance to your colleagues. Lead by example and show how boundaries improve overall performance.
Schedule personal time in your calendar, treat it as non-negotiable, and avoid scheduling work-related tasks during these periods.

Ready to embrace a balanced and bold life? Discover more tips and strategies from Stacey Olson in her upcoming book. Visit staceyolson.ca to pre-order now and start your journey towards a fulfilling career!

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